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- Specification
Cable Physical / Environmental Performance Maximum Span 100 meters Cable Sag (%) 1.0% Temperature Range -40 °C to +70 °C Worst Environmental Conditions 100 kms/hr wind speed (No Ice) Cable Characteristics Maximum Working Tension (No Fiber Strain) 4.12 kN (420 kgs) Estimated Tensile Strength 10.3 kN (1050 kgs) Thermal Coefficient of Expansion 20.83×10 -6 °C Area of Aramid 4.5 mm² Approx. Cable Weight 120 kgs/km Cable Diameter 12.2 mm Radial Thickness of Sheath 1.5 mm Minimum Bending Radius Dynamic 700 mm, Static 350 mm Crush Resistance 2000 N/10 cm Water Penetration No water penetration of the cable core, on a 3 meter sample, with a 1 meter head of water applied for 24 hours Outer Sheath Materia HDPE (non anti-tracking) Max. Electrical Field Strength ≤ 12 kV/m tested according to IEEE P1222 - Environmental Condition and Cable Loads, Sags, etc.
Condition Temp Wind km/hr Cable Load kgs % UTS Sag (mtrs) Blow Out Angle Cable Elong
%Vert Plane EDS 25 – 150 14% 1 1 0 0.212 Low Temp, No Wind 0 – 184 18% 0.81 0.81 0 0.203 High Temp, No Wind 70 – 113 11% Січ.33 Січ.33 0 0.233 Low Temp, Wind 0 100 294 28% 0.51 Лют.55 78.4 0.358 EDS Temp, Wind 25 100 273 26% 0.55 Лют.74 78.4 0.386 High Temp, Wind 70 100 279 24% 0.6 3 78.4 0.426 - ADSS Fiber Optic Cable, 9/125um G652D
Number of Fibers 12 24 48 72 96 144 Part No. 260223012 260223024 260223048 260223072 260223096 260223144
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